Do you like Honey mixed with coffee or replace sugar with honey while production your cup of coffee? If yes, today recipes will be for you. production coffee with honey finally helping you to lower down the sugar level and at the end archive low sugar type of coffee drink which I think most of us to practice that instead of using Sugar. Cut down your Sugar as much as inherent if you can. Why not start it from today?
First Recipe: Classical Honey Nut Latte Recipe
Something that will help to detox your body with honey. If you like to detox your body and same time enjoying taste of coffee, this will be the formula that you want to try it out.
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Enough for 1 man (tall glass)
1) 2 tablespoons of Hazelnut syrup
2) 1 tablespoon of Honey Butter
3) 1 shot of organic espresso
4) 0.75 cup of low fat steamed milk
5) 3 to 4 ice cubes
Equipments Needed
Espresso maker and electronic blender
Steps for preparation:
1. You need an empty blender cup to put your ingredients.
2. Ice is optional, if you like cold drink you can put some ice cubes else you can blend it without ice. Blend it for 30 seconds until all well mix.
3. Pour your latte into an empty tall glass before you serve your latte.
4. Lastly, you can now enjoy your cup of latte.
Second recipe: Peach Cobbler Latte Recipe
Can Peach mix with coffee? Try this out yourself. I like it, may be this will be your cup of coffee too.
Enough for 1 man (just nice for one tall glass)
1) 1 tablespoon of honey butter
2) 1 shot of organic espresso
3) 1 small tablespoon of Cinnamon powder as garnish
4) 0.75 cup of low fat steamed milk
5) 1 to 6 ice cubes
6) 1.5 tablespoons of Peach and cinnamon syrups respectively
Equipments Needed
Espresso maker and electronic blender
Steps for preparation:
1. Take an empty blender cup and pour everything into the cup except the Cinnamon powder which we are going to use it at the later stage.
2. Blend it with medium speed until they are evenly mix.
3. When done, take an empty glass and pour your latte into the glass.
4. Lastly, spread the powder on top of the latte.
5. You can now serve your latte now.
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