We've all done it: we're getting ready to leave the grocery store when our eyes are plainly drawn to the vending machine rack settled strategically near the automatic doors. Your cart is full and you have somewhere you need to be, but you just can't resist getting a quarter out of your pocket and getting a handful of your favorite treats on the way out the door. The fact is, our favorite candies evoke a warm sense of nostalgia and they taste genuinely good too: and if we just pick up a handful from a machine, we get to indulge ourselves without feeling too guilty!
Most of us have a appetizing "poison" of selection when it comes to vending machine offerings: here is a short look at the origin of some of America's favorites.
Yogurt Maker Automatic
M & Ms
Mars, Incorporated first introduced this tiny bite of deliciousness in 1941, right at the time when America was entering Wwii. The senior founder of the firm had genuinely been nursing the idea for what would come to be M&Ms since 1930, when he saw Spanish Civil War soldiers eating slight chocolates that had been coated with candy to preclude melting. M & Ms "melts in your mouth, not in your hands" plan and motto helped to make this sweet a perennial candy machine favorite.
The exact origin of gumballs has never been certifiably substantiated, but legend has it that a balled-up wad made from a fresh stick of gum was accidentally thrown into an open vat of sugar crystals: and a star was born. The resulting candy-coated gumballs that followed were genuinely dispensed from automatic candy machines, and these devices became favorite in grocery shop from the 1920's onward. It was Dubble Bubble that, in 1928, became the very first gumball stock to attain nationwide commercial success.
Hot Tamales
The origin of Hot Tamales is intelligent since they are a ensue of "bad candy." Back in 1950, the makers of Mike and Ike's jelly-filled candies didn't know what to do with imperfect products that came off the assembly line. They decided to re-flavor and recolor the rejects with hot cinnamon flavoring and a deep red color to mask the original Mike and Ike's. Ironically, Hot Tamales were and are a huge hit with the public!
A Short Look at the Origin of Some favorite Candy engine SweetsVisit : หางานเชียงใหม่ Hotel Phuket Thailand Frozen Yogurt Machine Home
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